Tonge Moor Primary School Gets the Sonata Treatment

Classroom Acoustics Improved

Tonge Moor Primary School Soundproofing

Tonge Moor Primary School in Bolton is one of the latest schools to take acoustic experts Sound Reduction Systems Ltd up on their offer of a free site visit under the SRS ‘Acoustics for Schools Initiative’.

The acoustic problem that they were experiencing was excessive reverberation within one of the classrooms, rendering it completely unusable as a teaching and learning space.  Richard Sherwood, Technical Director of SRS, comments:

“On visiting the school it was clear that this particular classroom was unsuitable for the purpose for which it was intended. Almost all of the surface finishes within the room were highly acoustically reflective, causing the reverberation time to be excessively high and not conducive to learning.”

During the site visit valuable information was collected on the classroom dimensions and the surface finishes present. This information was then used to calculate the reverberation time within the classroom using SRS’s modelling software.

From this point is then possible to calculate the area of SRS’s high performance sound absorption product, Sonata, is required to bring the reverberation time down to acceptable levels.  In order to ensure good even sound absorption across all frequencies, Sonata Vario suspended absorbers were chosen for the ceiling and to reduce acoustic reflections at low level the school opted for Sonata Memo.  The beauty of Sonata Memo is that not only does it offer excellent acoustic absorption but it also has a surface that can accept pins and staples, allowing it to be used as a functioning display or noticeboard.  SRS are able to supply all types of Sonata absorbers in a variety of sizes to fit around ceiling and wall obstructions.

The Sonata Vario and Sonata Memo panels were installed quickly by SRS’s expert fitters and the feedback has been terrific.  The classroom is now fit for purpose, with both teachers and pupils alike delighted with the results.

Janet Pendlebury at Tonge Moor Primary School comments:

“We are absolutely thrilled with the Sonata acoustic panels. We noticed a considerable difference with just the ceiling panels but now the Sonata Memo noticeboards are also in-situ the room is now completely fit for purpose. We have also received very positive comments concerning the aesthetic value of the Sonata Vario ceiling panels which add interest to an otherwise dull and uninspiring space. The service provided was quick, efficient and friendly.”

So pleased was the school with the results that we are hoping to work with them again on an almost identical project in the near future.

If your school acoustics have a noise problem and you would like to receive free, expert advice please do not hesitate to contact SRS on 01204 380074 or email us at Our easy to use 3 Step Acoustic Estimator is available at the bottom of the page.

To view a gallery of the sound absorption work we have completed within UK schools please see our fantastic Flickr Gallery here:

SRS 3 Step Estimator

For a free specification and quote for your reverberant room please fill in our online form