SRS Sonata Absorbers used at Manorfield Primary School

Duo and Aurio Panels Reduce Reverberation

Sonata acoustic panels

The Architects Department at the London Borough of Tower Hamlets have for a number of years now been designing new schools and extending existing ones to produce state-of-the-art buildings offering high energy efficiency.

The recently completed extension to the Manorfield School in East London takes this concept even further, with a modern approach of exposed building services, concrete ceilings and light, open, corridor areas. The School was built with due consideration to all of the latest government environmental specifications, including BREEAM and, of course, BB93 ‘The Acoustic Design of Schools’.

SRS were selected to provide various products from their range of modern room absorbers throughout the school, to not only meet the necessary acoustic specifications but to complement the dramatic visual appeal of the building interior.

A particular success was the ability of the Sonata Duo absorber to be suspended between and around the exposed building services in both corridors and classrooms. Their ability to fit within the vertical spaces between high level service pipes and ducting helped to avoid both over complicated interior design and engineering.

Sonata Aurio panels were chosen for the walls to provide acoustic balance and to complement the bold interior design.

For further information about school acoustics and Manorfield Primary School visit:

SRS 3 Step Estimator

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