SoundBar Overcomes Taxing Soundproofing Problem.

Office Soundproofing

When Deloitte’s Corporate Tax Partner, Stephen Nuttall, discovered he had a noise problem within his new office he decided to call in acoustic insulation experts, Sound Reduction Systems Ltd.

A member of the SRS Ltd team arranged to visit site free of charge the same week to investigate the problem and offer possible solutions. Upon visiting the site, it was clear to SRS where the main problem lay. The office partitions only continued to the underside of the suspended ceilings, leaving a common cavity over the top of the offices. This problem was further aggravated by the use of a perforated metal ceiling tile, which offer no resistance to the sound travelling through the ceiling void and into the adjoining offices.

SRS Ltd have a number of solutions to this type of acoustic problem, however, the amount of services and lights within the ceiling itself meant that the specification of SoundBar, acoustic ceiling void barrier, made the most sense. The SoundBar is designed to be installed as a continuation of the partition through the ceiling void, from the partition head to the ceiling soffit, and is supplied as a kit with all fixing accessories. With a Dncw of 53dB it offers very high acoustic performance – ideal for separating offices. SRS Ltd were also able to organise fitting via a company that have previously installed their materials.

Deloitte Partner, Stephen Nuttall, commented:

“ I was very impressed with the service and products’ performance - this office soundproofing has made a big difference.”

With over 25 years’ experience in the acoustics industry and a team of qualified technical staff, Sound Reduction Systems are able to deal with any soundproofing or sound absorption issue in domestic, commercial, industrial or educational environments. Their professional advice and specifications are free of charge. Tel 01204 380074 Email: or visit the website