Sonata Case Study - Butterknowle Primary School

Noisy Dining Hall Transformed to Make Lunchtimes Enjoyable Again

Butterknowle Primary School

Sonata Aurio Class A Acoustic Absorption

Butterknowle Primary School has been providing education to the local children in their scenic part of Bishop Auckland since 1912. However, recently the head teacher and staff had noticed that an acoustic issue in their spacious hall was creating problems for many of the people who used the space, particularly those children who are very sensitive to noise, with some having to be removed on occasion.

They decided to contact Sound Reduction Systems Ltd (SRS) to see what could be done about the poor acoustics that was within their budget. In the first instance, SRS were able to take some basic dimensions of the hall along with information on the surface finishes to be found on the walls, floors and ceiling. From this information, SRS were able to predict the current acoustic performance of the hall using their acoustic modelling software. This allows SRS to provide accurate and informative information on soundproofing solutions and costings so that the school are fully informed from the outset.

Once the School had decided that the proposed treatment was of further interest, SRS sent a technical representative to site take accurate measurements and discuss various treatments, colour schemes and layouts with the staff at the school – all of which is provided free of charge. From this visit a finalised quote and solution along with a layout was submitted and the decision was taken to proceed.

Over the summer holidays, SRS sent their installation team to the school to fit the acoustic panels. Upon returning after the summer break Headteacher, Tessa Fenoughty, was kind enough to send the following comments:

“I have attached some photos of our lunchtime today with the whole school enjoying a much quieter experience.  Before the acoustic panelling we had to remove at least six children who found the hall far too noisy to eat their school dinner.  Since your sound proofing system has been installed the noise levels are significantly reduced and all children are once again enjoying school dinners together.

Not only are the panels super effective at damping the sound, they also look good and we're sure it's warmer in the hall too!  Comments from the children include 'it's good because it's not echoey and I can hear my friends better', 'I like the new panels because it's quiet', ‘it's better because it's not as loud'. 

I really wasn't sure how effective your product would be at fixing the loud tinny sound, but I'm amazed at the difference it has made, as one child put it 'the panels soak up the sound!'.  School assemblies, PE lessons, scout nights, school performances will all be significantly improved as a result of your acoustic panels.

Please pass our thanks on to the fitters who did a very swift and professional job.”

SRS are specialists in school acoustics and offer free advice, site visits and quotes to any school with sound absorption problems including soundproofing walls. You can read project profiles and testimonials from satisfied schools on the website. If your school has a noise problem, please get in touch on 01204 380074, email  or request your free consultation and quote.

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